A picture of LNsalite

LNsynth Carrd for petty fandom stuff

Hi! This is my petty fandom carrd so you can quickly learn about my fandom opinions and stuffQuick About Me
- Not a minor, over 18 years old
- Transmasc enby (they/he/she)
- Asian-American, specifically Hmong-American (kuv tsis paub hais lus hmoob 😭)
- I only really speak English, but I know a bit of French! I am currently studying Japanese and Hmong, albeit at a very slow pace. I also have interest in studying Spanish in the future.
About What I Post
- I mostly post my random thoughts related to vsynth and sketches and doodles. More rambles and hcs can be found on my “alt” accounts (Twitter and Tumblr only.)
- I do my best to stay away from discourse and drama, as well as politics.
- Sometimes my art can be emotional, angsty, or horror-esque. Very rarely it might be a little suggestive. It’s usually cute or comedic, but…
- I really like writing about tragedy and angst, so often my art and writing will contain sad or depressing themes. In comics or written works, I will try to warn for angst as I know not everyone likes it.
- I usually draw YOHIOloid and characters related to him.
- I mostly post PowerFX Vocaloid content. Sometimes, though rarely, I may talk about or post about Zero-G, Voctro, or Fukase, Arsloid, and Sachiko. You might see Maika more often though.
- I like all Vocaloids but I only really talk about my favorites. I might sometimes post synths that I don’t usually post about, but this is incredibly rare.
- I’m actually not really the kind of person who makes a lot of shipping/character pairing stuff, so while I may express interest in some ships, I might not actually draw or write anything for them. There’s only a select few ships that I draw stuff for, even though I like many ships. I’m usually more into storytelling and stuff rather than shipping in particular, so a lot of my ship stuff for me is more of a focus on storytelling. This doesn’t mean that I hate shipping/any ships or anything, I’m just not heavy on shipping most of the time lol.
- Sometimes I create synth works such as UTAU voicebanks, covers, and various other miscellaneous stuff.

My faves, and what to know about how I talk about them!
- I rarely ever talk about them with solid headcanons in mind.
- I am not at all strict about shipping or gender/sexuality headcanons.
- I believe in separating the voice provider and the synth, but sometimes I will draw inspiration from the voice provider for my synth headcanons.
- I talk about Hio and Oliver the most, but I love all PowerFX Vocaloids!
- I cannot separate the PowerFX family. Like, at all. I am unfortunately quite petty about this (sorry!)
- To add to the above, it doesn’t bother me much if you personally don’t see them as family or all as a group, so feel free to have your own interpretation! But you will very rarely see me not put them together in some capacity.
- My headcanons involve all five PFX characters being in the family.
- I really like the monster theme in the family so sometimes my talk about them may play into them being monsters.
- I am strict about maintaining my hc age differences between the PFX siblings across AUs. I do know that some headcanon Hio as older than Ruby—this isn’t the case in my headcanons, but I have absolutely no issue with this headcanon. I may even play into it sometimes in my rambling, but in a whole set up AU, it will be very rare for me to change their age order.
- My main headcanons follow the Vocaloids as literal synths, so the PFX siblings are all simultaneously younger and older than each other and you will sometimes see me joke about this.
More, character-specific:


A picture of YOHIOloid

- I call him “Hio” for short, never “Yohio” (I will only ever use “Yohio” to refer to his voice provider.) If you say “Yohio” when talking to me, I will probably assume you mean YOHIOloid unless the context makes it clear you are talking about his voice provider. I will sometimes but rarely refer to him as “Yohi.” For no reason, I’m oddly particular about the stylization of Hio’s name so I always write it as “YOHIOloid” or “yohioloid,” and never “Yohioloid.”
- I tend to identify very strongly with my personal version of Hio as I like to project a lot onto him. I don’t really do this for other people’s interpretations of Hio, and I am always happy to see others’ versions of him!
- I usually headcanon him as his canon age of 17 (particularly in my main headcanons,) but in some AUs, I imagine him to be 23 or the same age as me.
- I don’t have strict gender headcanons for any Vocaloids, but I usually like to imagine Hio as transmasc and gnc because I like to project that aspect of myself onto him. Sometimes I’ll talk about transfem Hio too, but I mostly interpret him as transmasc. (I also do this out of petty spite lmfao, I will not elaborate)
- My absolute favorite Hio ship is Hiomaika! Though, I am a multishipper and I may pair him with other Vocaloids for some AUs or in some of my rambling. I mostly ship him with other men, though lol. It will be kind of rare to see me make fanart for any Hio ships aside from Hiomaika though.
- I am a really big appreciator of Hio and Oliver duo (only platonic/familial), and genuinely I cannot separate them at all. You’ll often see me depict them together in my artwork (even if it doesn’t make that much sense lol.)
- Hio is currently my biggest comfort character, and I tend to use him to interpret/process/express my emotions, so he’s usually the subject of any vent art if I make any.
- I joke about him being half-American, but this is mostly just because he is a VocaTone Vocaloid and speaks with an American-based accent. There’s no actual reason to suggest that YOHIOloid is factually American, as his voice provider has never even been to America.
- Seeing people say negative things about Hio really gets to me, so I often block people who are mean about him.


A picture of Oliver

- I have a HUGE love-hate relationship with Oliver, so sometimes I might avoid looking up Oliver art or drawing him because it hurts my heart. I wish I didn’t feel this way, but I can’t really help it…He is a bit of a discomfort character to me sometimes.
- Oliver is 12 in my main headcanons, but in some AUs I imagine him as older (usually everyone is older.)
- While I like Oliver angst, I don’t personally tend to do much with it and my Olivers tend to be very happy.
- For some reason, I imagine Oliver as the epitome of “random cis boy” so I don’t tend to interpret him as transmasc like I would for Hio and Al. I physically can but I just tend not to.
- As said before, I cannot separate Hio and Oliver so I’ll often draw the two of them together.
- I’m not really a big fan of shipping Oliver with characters so I don’t really do much with Oliver ships. I might like posts of Oliver ship art, but the chances of me making Oliver ship content myself are very, very low. It might be included as part of an AU or something similar, but it would be really rare for me to make something as a focus on an Oliver ship.


A picture of Ruby

- I couldn’t find a sillier picture so I have this one that’s really cool looking oops
- I imagine Ruby to be 18 in my main headcanons. I tend to be really strict about maintaining the age differences between PFX Vocaloids in my different AUs, so Ruby is always about one year older than Hio.
- I don’t really ship Ruby with anyone for no reason in particular, but I think Ruby ships are cool.
- I get really upset by people who hate Ruby, so if you talk negatively about Ruby, I may block or mute you.
- Ruby is canonically Latina, so I interpret her as Latina as well. I was informed that it’s likely that she would be of Dominican descent (as her VP’s mother is Dominican) so I imagine her to be Dominican American.
- I like to joke about her being a vampire but this doesn’t really have any basis in canon and is just a headcanon of mine.

Big Al

A picture of Big Al

- I prefer to imagine him as a middle aged man (unspecified number.) I imagine him to be 2 years younger than Sweet Ann.
- Sometimes I like to talk about him being transmasc and will make mpreg jokes in regards to him (I am transmasc myself so I do this out of appreciation.)
- I think the Big Boobs Al joke is really funny so I joke about it too.
- I’m really big on Sweet Ann x Big Al but I’m always happy to see people ship them with others as long as they’re respectful of Sweet Ann x Big Al.
- Sometimes I call him “Bagel” for short. I say “Sweden Bagel” as a way to shorten “Sweet Ann and Big Al.” It doesn’t really mean the ship per se, but sometimes I may use it like that.
- I don’t use him much because I’m bad at using V4…

Sweet Ann

A picture of Sweet Ann

- I imagine Sweet Ann as a middle aged woman who is 2 years older than Big Al.
- I’m really big on Sweet Ann x Big Al but I’m always happy to see people ship them with others as long as they’re respectful of Sweet Ann x Big Al.
- Sometimes I call her “Sweden” for short. I say “Sweden Bagel” as a way to shorten “Sweet Ann and Big Al.” It doesn’t really mean the ship per se, but sometimes I may use it like that.
- I honestly still don’t know how to draw her after like 2 years…I am slowly figuring it out.
- I don’t hate her original box art design, but I prefer to draw and interpret her based on her Taiwanese E-Capsule design due to the uncomfortable history with the original box art.
- I associate her with the color blue for this reason.
- I like imagining her as transfem sometimes.
- I don’t use her much because I’m bad at using V4…

I don't really have a strict DNI (I just block people if they bother me) but I will probably block you on sight for these:
- Shota/lolicon
- Homophobia or transphobia
- Into NFTs or Crypto
- If you do a lot of AI Art
Petty 'I'll probably block you' List:
- YOHIOloid x Oliver shipping (as much as I love the duo, the romantic ship between them makes me very uncomfortable. Please don't interact with my art in that case, because I don't want my stuff circulating around in proship spaces.)
- Being overly negative or inciting a lot of drama
- If you say negative things about my faves (I don't care much if you just don't like them, but if you're actively spreading negativity about these characters, I will probably block you)
- You’re super into problematic ships and keep interacting with me (I find it uncomfortable and don’t want to see that)
- You post self-harm/eating disorder stuff and keep interacting with me (I do not have good history with self-harm/eating disorders and seeing that stuff really messes with me)
If you were blocked by me, it was most likely because you said something rude about a fave of mine once, but it could also be because of the other reasons above.

Vocaloid Ship DiscourseI really don't care much about ships as long as you don't make them weird. If you like uncomfortable/toxic/problematic ships, I will probably avoid or block you because it makes me uncomfortable.There are some ships I don't like because of my personal headcanons, and for the most part, they don't really bother me when other people ship them, so if there's ship art of them, I might like them.Ships that I really like:
- Sweet Ann x Big Al
- YOHIOloid x Maika
- Kaito x Meiko
- Tonio x Prima
- Bruno x Clara
- Leon x Lola
- Po-uta x Fuiro
Ships that I casually enjoy:
- YOHIOloid x Dex
- YOHIOloid x Zola Project boys
- Ruby x Daina
- Dex x Daina (but I personally see them as just platonic besties)
Ships I don't personally ship but don't really care if you do:
- Rin x Len (I view them with a sibling-like dynamic though not actual siblings. I recognize that they're not canonically siblings so I don't care if other people ship them)
- Oliver x Fukase (I think it's cute depending on how you write them, but the way I usually imagine them, the ship doesn't work well)
- Kaito x Miku (I see Kaito as an adult and Miku as a teenager, but I know others don't share the same headcanon)
- Luka x Miku (same as above but about Luka)
- YOHIOloid x Ruby (I see them as siblings straight up, but I understand that it's really easy for them to be interpreted as not siblings. I'm probably not gonna be that comfortable seeing ship art of them though 😭)
Ships that I really don't like:
- YOHIOloid x Oliver (Hio is my comfort character, and I don't feel like seeing him be a pedo)
- tbh any incest or pedophilia ship in general. they make me really uncomfortable.
- Sweet Ann or Big Al x YOHIOloid (for the reason above. my pfx family headcanons are very strong)

FollowingWhen it comes to who I follow, I usually follow artists who post fanart of the synth characters I like. These are PowerFX, Zero-G, Voctro, and a select few Japanese Vocaloids.
I do not usually follow Crypton fan accounts except for a few exceptions.
I have been trying very hard to avoid politics lately, so I may not follow you on a given platform if you post a lot about politics!(the below was previously written for Twitter)
I am very, very picky about who I follow on this account.
I only follow people that I really like the art or music work of or if they say things that I find interesting!
No follow-for-follow!
I likely do not follow if:
- You don’t really post anything related to synths that I like. LNsynth_ is my vsynth hyperfixation account so I really only do vsynth stuff on there. (I tend to follow for PowerFX, Zero-G, Voctro, and Fukase.)
- You get into or talk about drama a lot. (I want to avoid drama.)
- The way you talk scares me (you may be aggressive.)

I will continue updating this page if anything else comes to mind!Important information for following along on my Alt accounts where I ramble about AUs oftenI like writing a lot! It’s very fun to me, so I like coming up with concepts for Vocaloid AUs/fanfics. I don’t always write them out though. I tend to ramble about them on my alt accounts, though they may be difficult to follow if you are not familiar with them.I refer to the characters in each AU as “derivatives,” meaning that they are derived from the original character. Characters are also given a short usually-two-letter initial based on the AU they come from. For example, my main headcanons universe Vocaloids are referred to as “LN (name),” with the ‘LN’ coming from my username.Some characters also have slightly altered designs based on the AU, but to be honest, I’m not a very great character designer so they tend to just look the same as the original Vocaloid.Essentially, I have a few main AUs that are my favorites to think about, as well as a few others that I don’t think about often. Below will be a short list of most of the AUs that I still post about.Main HCs (LN): My main headcanons, based on the idea of following canon as closely as possible and taking creative liberties whereever I can.Main HCs but older (LN+): The synth characters in my main headcanons can’t really age, so this AU is basically a thought experiment of imagining my main hcs Vocaloids as 6 years older than they are normally.df (df): I am not going to explain what “df” stands for (pls don’t read it as “dilf” LOL), but it is essentially a very dark and angsty AU about very broken families and hitmen. It was originally made with the ideas of “How can I write YOHIOloid and Oliver with a bad relationship?” and “How can I make YOHIOloid’s life bad? Okay, now how can I make it worse?”Cyborg-Android AU (Cyb/An): A PFX family AU in which they are performing idols pretending to be a family. Ann, Al, and Oliver are cyborgs and Hio and Ruby are androids. The story follows Oliver on his quest to become human again and figure out what being human means to him. The AU is a bit dark and has some heavy implications in some areas.Monster Hunters (MH): The PFX family are usually monsters in any given AU, however this AU was made as “What if they were monster hunters instead?” Essentially, the PFX siblings are on a long hunting trip away from home, with a little bit of guidance and help from their parents.AUs that I think about sometimes but am not actively working on:Unnamed AU (no initial) - Oliver is a newly made orphan living in (the basement of) a bar with Hio, Sonika, Tonio, and Prima. Ruby visits sometimes. Hio has lost his memories of his life prior to living in the bar, but his past seems to be significant to him.That Cursed Mansion AU (no initial) - Ann is a magical creature who cursed herself to be stuck in her mansion after having her heart broken by a man she loved, and anyone else who comes in cannot leave. She lives with Oliver, Hio, and Ruby, who take care of chores around the house. People usually come in seeking to kill Ann, believing her to be a monster that kills travelers in the woods, though the truth is that the curse makes them stuck in the mansion forever. Al is the newest addition to the group after he was sent to hunt down “the monster.”Vocaloid Club (VC) - a lighthearted AU about the Vocaloids being in school. Everyone is part of a club called the Vocalo(id) Club where they sing for fun. PFX family is also oddly deadly in this AU and Hio’s always on the verge of committing murder, kind of in a way that was inspired by Addams Family.